Manage daily COVID-19 self-assessment with the Nexafe-Day App.

New Nexafe-Day app reduces the risk of transmission, fosters compliance, and raises the efficiency of COVID-19 health and safety control in the workplace.

NeXafe’s safety specialists developed a new mobile and desktop app that supports businesses and organizations daily in the fight against COVID-19.

Stay on top of your workplace's safety control measures
with the user-friendly Nexafe-Day app.

The streamlined process gets everyone on board.

The Nexafe-Day app allows workers to fill out the entire COVID-19/infectious disease symptom questionnaire on their phone, directly from home.

Easily customizable assessment quiz

The Nexafe-Day app allows administrators to customize assessment quizzes to their organization’s reality.

Plus: you can modify questions at any time as situations evolve or to improve your safety management

Your company already has an account? Download the App
Customize your risk assessment quizz today

Start using Nexafe-Day

Nexafe-Day App requires activating a company account :

Your company already has an account? Download the App


The time-saving Nexafe-Day mobile & desktop app reduces the risk for potential transmission by controlling risk assessment more
efficiently, before someone heads to the workplace.

*Nexafe-Day App requires activating a company account

    NeXafe Success Stories


    Experts in consulting strategies and on-site execution logistics meet compliance challenges head-on with NeXafe.

    The Broda Group

    Safety leader gets more compliance insight and efficiency with NeXafe’s HSEtracker.