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Contractor Compliance

Contractor Passport

New way to assign role and management group to a user

It is now faster and easier to add the role & permission profile to a user and to assign the user to one or several management groups. 

In the user profile window:

  • In the Management Groups section, click the Assign Groups button to add the worker Passport to one or several management groups (if you have created such a structure. Go to Settings / Management Groups to manage your group structure).
  • In the Roles section, click the Assign Roles button to select the user’s access scope to the platform (no access, “view only” or “view and edit”. Go to Settings / Roles & Permissions to manage your roles).
  • Click Save to register your information and exit.
  • If you create multiple users at the sametime, you can attribute role and group in batch at a latter time. Once all users created, select the ones with a common role and/or group and select the Assign rrle or Assign group.

How to invite a client to collaborate on NeXafe?

You can maximise your NeXafe account by inviting other clients to access your compliance information and documents via NeXafe at no cost to them.

How to do it:

Access the My Passport sub-menu Select Clients  

To send the invitation:

  • Click the blue Invite button in the header to open the master list of Main contractors.
  • Find the company to invite by scrolling through the list or using the search bar.
  • Click the blue button on the row of the company:
    • If the button says Collaborate, it indicates that your client is already on NeXafe and you only have to confirm you invitation.
    • If the button says Join NeXafe, a window will open filled with preset contact information that you can modify if you have a different contact person. Make sure that you invite the person responsible for the account management.

Once the invitation has been sent:

  • The main admin or contact person at the invited company will receive a notification for your invitation.
  • In the master list of Main contractors, the button of the invited client is now dark grey and indicates Resend to facilitate a new invitation, if needed.
  • The invited company is also added to your list of Clients with an Invited status (button in pale grey).
  • Once the invitation accepted, you will be notified and the status of the company will be switched to Active (button in blue).

If your client is not in the general list, you can send an invitation to join NeXafe.

  • If you can’t find a contractor in the general list, click the blue Add button at the top of the window.
  • Enter the client’s email (make sure you invite the person that will be managing account).
  • An invitation to create their NeXafe account will be automatically sent to them.
    • The invited client is added to your external invitation list that you can access by clicking Invited Clients in the header of your Clients window.
    • Once the new account activated, your client will be transferred from your Invited Clients list to your Clients list.
    • Its status will indicate Invited until the collaboration is accepted. Once done, the status will indicate Active.

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