OHS Reports Logic
Deliver consistent, high-quality reports and data using customizable report forms and checklists on computers, smartphones or tablets.
iOS & Android Mobile App
Capture events on location, 24/7 online or offline. Create awareness of problems instantly, enable faster response and corrective actions. Add photos for more informed decision-making.
Hazard ID
Identify hazards faster and ensure reporting consistency using smart workflows and customizable drop-down menus to specify hazard types, causes and additional factors.
Incident Management
Deliver high-value reports and incident-specific measures swiftly, using reporting workflows and automated notifications. Improve traceability, analysis, corrective actions and follow-through by interconnecting your data on a centralized platform.
Collect high-quality data using custom forms for every type of inspection. Pull up the correct form in seconds. Free up time for decision-making or other inspections by entering data directly into your OHS software.
Risk Ranking & Analysis
Mitigate risks by increasing the value of your event reports. Use pre-defined options for risk type, cause, severity and probability of recurrence to better prioritize corrective actions and spot trends.
OHS Reports Logic
Deliver consistent, high-quality reports and data using customizable report forms and checklists on computers, smartphones or tablets.
iOS & Android Mobile App
Capture events on location, 24/7 online or offline. Create awareness of problems instantly, enable faster response and corrective actions. Add photos for more informed decision-making.
Identify hazards faster and ensure reporting consistency using smart workflows and customizable drop-down menus to specify hazard types, causes and additional factors.
Incident Management
Deliver high-value reports and incident-specific measures swiftly, using reporting workflows and automated notifications. Improve traceability, analysis, corrective actions and follow-through by interconnecting your data on a centralized platform.
Collect high-quality data using custom forms for every type of inspection. Pull up the correct form in seconds. Free up time for decision-making or other inspections by entering data directly into your OHS software.
Risk Ranking & Analysis
Mitigate risks by increasing the value of your event reports. Use pre-defined options for risk type, cause, severity and probability of recurrence to better prioritize corrective actions and spot trends.
Our mobile-friendly software turns every worker into your watchtower, allowing them to flag risks and feed up details with remarkable consistency. NeXafe’s fully integrated platform handles the data crunching for you, revealing indicators and insights that empower you to take the best corrective actions and mitigate future risks and incidents proactively.
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